
2024-04-21 15:45  今日头条





The United States does not allow China to participate in all space programs related to the United States, including China's use of the international space station. It does not even allow Chinese Rockets to carry satellites made by the United States. What's more, the United States has repeatedly shut down GPS positioning signals over China.


In 2011, Wolff, chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and the Subcommittee on commerce, justice, science and related institutions, added a ban to the US fiscal expenditure bill only that year, prohibiting any joint scientific research activities between China and the United States related to NASA or coordinated by the White House Science and Technology Policy Office, and prohibiting all NASA facilities from receiving "Chinese official visitors" on the grounds of counterintelligence.



The funds provided in this act shall not be used for the formulation, design, planning, promulgation, implementation or implementation of bilateral policies, plans and orders by NASA or the office of science and Technology Policy (OSTP), or for entering into any form of bilateral participation, cooperation or coordination contract with China in any way.


In late September 2013, NASA director Charles Bolden banned six Chinese scholars from participating in the astronomy Conference (the second Kepler Science Conference) held at NASA Ames Research Center in California from November 4 to 8, which aroused the dissatisfaction of several famous American and British scientists who called for a boycott of the academic conference because it was an unfounded ban.


Participants, including mark messersmith of Ames Research Center, Debra Fischer, an astrophysicist at Yale University, Chris lintot, an astronomer at the University of Oxford, Professor Geoff Marcy at the University of California, Berkeley and many other heavyweight scientists, also decided not to attend the meeting.

参会人员其中包括艾姆斯研究中心的Mark Messersmith、耶鲁大学天体物理学家Debra Fischer、英国牛津大学天文学家Chris Lintot、加利福尼亚大学的Geoff Marcy教授、伯克利以及许多其他重量级科学家,他们也决定不参加会议。

In view of this impact, Wolff's office wrote an open letter to Charles Bolden seeking redress, saying that Bolden misunderstood the Wolff clause when the U.S. government took unpaid leave due to lack of money until NASA "corrected the above decision" after reopening on October 17. CNN said on March 21 that NASA had sent a letter to Chinese scientists to invite them again.

鉴于这一影响,沃尔夫的办公室给查尔斯·博尔登写了一封公开信,寻求补救,称博尔登在美国政府因缺钱而无薪休假时误解了沃尔夫条款,直到NASA在10月17日重新开放后"纠正了上述决定"。CNN 3月21日称,NASA已致函中国科学家再次邀请他们。

On March 21, 2017, the US embassy in China refused to issue a visa to Yu Guobin, an expert in charge of China's lunar and Mars development projects.


However, has this series of us actions curbed the development of China's Aerospace Science and technology? Obviously not. The following are China's current space programs:


1.空间轨道站/Space orbital station

2.载人登月/Manned lunar landing

3.登陆火星/Landing on Mars

4.发射太空望远镜/Launch Space Telescope

5.小行星探索/Asteroid exploration


On June 17, 2021, the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft launched by China sent three Chinese astronauts into space to rendezvous and dock with the Tianhe-1 core module. The Chinese people boarded China's own space station for the first time. On this day, China has waited too long.



In 1993, the United States and the Soviet Union planned to build the international space station. From the beginning of construction in 1998 to the completion of capital construction in 2010, 17 countries including the United States, Russia, France, Germany, Japan, Italy and the United Kingdom participated. 244 astronauts from 19 countries boarded the international space station, except China.


As a permanent member of the United Nations, China was not as advanced in aerospace technology at that time, but it was also one of the few major Aerospace powers in the world at that time. Why was there no China?


Political repression is a terrible reason, even more than economic and scientific factors. Just like the Sino US trade war in 2019, why should the United States suppress China? Why should the US denigrate China on the grounds of what COVID-19 is doing? Because of politics.


In the view of the United States, China is the heresy of the so-called "civilized world". The most important thing is that China is a socialist country! China is economically developed, technologically advanced and powerful, but China is politically independent and does not obey the orders of the United States.


When the United States invaded Yugoslavia and Syria, China strongly opposed it internationally! In China, the Chinese government and the Communist Party of China are not at the mercy of capitalists and consortia. They shout the slogan of "serving the people". The Chinese government has made great sacrifices to help hundreds of millions of poor people get rid of poverty, which is too inconsistent with American values. American politicians believe that China's existence is a serious threat to the United States. Therefore, the United States cannot allow China to participate in the national space station project and must limit the development of China's science and technology.


But is that the truth? The Chinese people have embarked on their own path of development. It took the Chinese decades to industrialize. They did not invade any country or establish colonies. China is a socialist country, so their government serves the majority, not the elite.


They help the poor and help more poor people live a better life; They go to Africa and other backward countries to help them build roads, railways, hydropower What happened to this? Why is it wrong to choose a development path outside the United States?


The US blockade has not stopped the development of China's space technology. In 1992, the Chinese government formulated a plan to build a space station. Since then, it will be 30 years before China really launches the space station! This year, this goal has been achieved! Is it possible for the US government to formulate a plan in 30 years and implement it without compromise? Impossible, only China.


In 2003, China mastered manned space technology; In 2008, the Chinese carried out a spacewalk; In 2011, China launched its first space laboratory; On April 29, 2021, China launched the core module of the space station "Tianhe"


As a netizen commented on YouTube: the United States passed legislation banning Chinese from entering the international space station in 2010. The Chinese people have been working hard to build their own space station for 10 years. This is the most inspiring story of this century!

正如某位网友对You Tube的评论:美国在2010年通过了禁止中国人进入国际空间站的立法。中国人10年来一直在努力建造自己的空间站,这是本世纪最鼓舞人心的故事!

Tell another story. This time, Shenzhou 12 astronaut Nie Haisheng entered space for the third time. When he was a child, his family was very poor. When he was a child, he needed to herd cattle every day. When he was at school, he couldn't afford his tuition. His family can only sell rabbits and chickens to pay for his tuition.


But with his own efforts and the help of the Chinese government, he went to college, joined the people's Liberation Army and became a general who went into space three times. In China, even a poor boy who herded cattle had the opportunity to become a general and go into space. Everyone has equal opportunities for development, which is the real equality.



Like any other nation, the Chinese like to explore and make almost everything unknown in the world, from theory to application, unless it is useless and of no benefit.


Chinese people don't like to be told that I can have this, but you can't have it because you are Chinese. Or I invented it, but if I want to sell it to you at a more absurd price than others, you must accept it because you are Chinese.


Chinese people like to be treated equally, just as Americans treat Britons or Canada treat the United States, but most of the time, they don't want to treat China fairly because they think China is an enemy, a threat or at least not a friend.


Whether people like China or not, China and Chinese civilization have existed for more than 4000 years. For a long time, the Chinese people have been a hardworking nation with a tenacious people and a people willing to make a difference.


Napoleon once said in 1821: "China is a sleeping giant. When she wakes up, she will shock the world." It has to be said that Napoleon is a wise man who understands China's potential.


After World War II, American leaders held the same view as Napoleon, so they banned Chinese scientists from developing nuclear bombs. Qian Xuesen was a well-known aerodynamic scientist in the 1950s. The United States worried that he would establish advanced missile technology for China, so it detained him for years and returned to China after thousands of difficulties.



The US ban on China's participation in the international space station has nothing to do with its self belief that China is not credible, mainly because the US is worried that China will surpass them in space technology. Therefore, just like the nuclear weapons program, China must act alone. Of course, history has proved that China has overcome difficulties and achieved success in these two things.


If Western governments, especially the US government, learn from history and find ways to cooperate with China, they can better serve the world. Today's world will be much better than it is now.


But they don't. They believe that they can prevent China's rise through destruction, so that they can maintain hegemony and control over the rest of the world. China has been proving that this strategy will not work. But of course, they don't think about what is good for the world. They only think about what is good for themselves in the short term. China has a long-term perspective and considers what can benefit the whole world, while the west only considers what is beneficial to itself.

