
2021-07-12 08:30     观察者网

Women remain at the bottom rung of development, the youth have no prospects for the future. The casualties in this instance were the health system, the education system as well as the general lack of economic growth for the people.

We look at China which has just eradicated poverty in the whole country, but poverty is worsening in our country. The government has prioritised the monarchy and pushed people out of development.

2. Swaziland declared its independence on September 6, 1968, which is not early in Africa. 17 countries in Africa became independent in 1960, and most of them preferred republican system. Why Swaziland, a late "born" country, retained its monarchy?

Swaziland was colonized by the British. The relationship between the Swaziland monarch and the British was crucial in alienating the general population from the running of the economy. The people were evicted from their land partly with the cooperation of the Swazi monarch. The monarch also received great support from other international corporations in the years leading to the 1968 independence of the country. Additionally, Sobhuza received political support from the apartheid regime.

All these elements strengthened the position of the monarch, which is the real reason it was maintained even after independence.

3. CPS’ main political demand seems to be the overthrow of the monarchy, so what is the strategy of action? Have you made any progress in this area, as the Chinese are familiar with the phrase "power comes from the barrel of a gun"? Do you think it is possible to garner international supportment?

The CPS aims to mobilise the working class (including the rural population) in the fight to overthrow the monarchy and form a democratic republic on the route towards socialism.

There has been huge progress in this fight since formation of the CPS in April 2011, ten years ago. More people are now calling for a democratic republic. The massacres committed by the king’s arms in the past week have brought more people into the calls for the total overthrow of the monarch. The people, in their numbers, now see no need for the monarch in a democratic system.

This, of course, will not be possible without international solidarity. We need more support (of all kinds) in the decisive fight for freedom.

4.Looking at the successful experience of socialist countries around the world, it is very important to unfold the integration of Marxism-Leninism with the local situation, how did you localize it?
