THE EUROPEAN:美国并不伟大的11个理由(4)

2022-01-17 08:00     观察者网




Hello, I am the European and I make videos that matter to you. Thank you for watching. America is living in a bubble. Hollywood movies, American songs and American politicians tell the American people that they live in the greatest country on earth. While in reality, there are so many serious problems in America that need to be addressed. That's why I made this video in which I give you 11 reasons why America is not the greatest country on earth. Now, if you think it is important that I spread my message to a bigger audience, then please smash that like button and subscribe to my channel. If you do that, YouTube will show this video to even more people. Thank you very much. With that out of the way, let's continue.

America is living in a bubble. Hollywood tells Americans that their country is the greatest country on earth. Movies like Top Gun, Transformers, Battle Los Angeles, Red Dawn, American Sniper, Iron Eagle, Pearl Harbor and Independence Day glorify American military force and American military violence.Many American movies portray people from Russia as evil, people from Africa as poor and corrupt, people from Mexico and Latin America as criminal, and people from India as plainly stupid, millions of Americans watch these movies and kind of believe the racist message behind it. It is no secret that the American military and the American military industry are paying Hollywood millions of dollars to glorify the USA, to portray American soldiers as extremely heroic and American military operations as a just cause no matter the reality of dropping bombs on innocent people all over the world.
